Let's Call It Youthing

Over the past few years, as my 50th birthday came and went, I started to think deeply about aging. What defines aging? What makes us age? What keeps us young and maintain youthfulness? Can I reverse the damages I have done to my body? Are we getting older because of our laps around the sun or because we aren't removing toxins from our bodies? These are a few of the many questions I wanted to find answers to, learn from, and teach others. I want us to rethink how we age. 

Accelerated aging comes in many forms: stress, toxicity, and reduced movement. I believe we can slow and even reverse the aging process by taking a better look at what we eat and how we breathe, the two most important components that keep us alive. By changing and taking control of our eating habits and breathing patterns, we can look young, feel young, and stay young; I can tell you from personal experience. We cannot control time, but we can control what time does to our bodies. 

I'm excited about the power of food. And if you know me or follow me on social media, you know how excited I am about the power of fruit. I love learning and talking about food because it is what sustains us and we can use it to change our bodies (and mind) and I think that is a powerful thing. Everything you put in your body truly matters and I will say this over and over again: the denser the food, the faster you age. 

Youthing and rethinking how we age does not require a lot of effort or money, just a will to want better for your body and yourself. Your body has sustained you for this long and it will continue to keep you alive for however long it needs to, but you don't know how good you can feel. 

I am a fruitarian, subsisting on 95% fruit for the last 18 months. I call this youthing because as I've aged through number, I've "youthed" through lifestyle. I look younger, feel younger, and can move better, faster, stronger than 10 years ago. I've been able to repair my organs, strengthen my fascia, hydrate my skin, regrow my hair, get better sleep, and remove toxins from over five decades of bad foods, alcohol, drugs, and the many stresses I have put my body through. All of which my body will work to heal as I continue to put fruit first as my main food source. 

The beautiful thing about Earth is that she provides what is best for our bodies through her trees, her soil, and her alignment with the sun. All the nutrients and nourishment we need, it grows naturally in season. Spring fruits are body cleansers, containing nutrients and fiber to push toxins out of your body. Summer fruits contain high amounts of water and sugar to provide hydration and energy during the long hot days. Fall fruits are filled with Vitamin A, for good vision, a healthy immune system, and cell growth going into the cold season. Winter fruits provide Vitamin C when we are most in need. To eat fruit is to be one with Earth. 

If you didn't know, fruit is actually not part of the plant itself, but the reproductive part growing from the plant. The main function of a fruit is to spread the seeds and allow the plant to reproduce. So when we eat fruits, we're eating the mature and ripened ovaries of flowers, and when we eat vegetables, we're eating the plant itself or its roots, stems, or leaves. This shows me that fruit = life! 

Food is about receiving energy and nourishment. The breath, the sun, and Earth are your real sources of nourishment. And what better way to cleanse your body than to enjoy delicious fruits! Eating as close to sunlight as possible replenishes energy by fueling the mitochondria of the cell, in which the biochemical processes of respiration and energy production occur. Fruit is literally giving us life, while other foods are sustaining but aging us. No salad, no vitamin pill, no skincare product, will ever be better than what the simple fruit can do for your body. 

Everything living is negatively charged. Electrons power the human vessel. Fruits, greens, and herbs have negative charges. Everything dead that doesn't belong in your body has a positive charge. The standard American diet mainly made up of cooked dead animal meats, dairy, and starch all have positive charges as do metals and radiation from your electronics. These foods create lymphatic stagnation, which is calcifying lymph tissue, making the body hold on to all the metabolically positively charged waste. This is when disease and illnesses can occur. There are only two reasons that a cell will malfunction; either it’s not getting everything it needs to function properly (low oxygenation) leading to deficiency, or it’s getting things that are interfering with its normal communications (toxicity). This is the essence of balance.

This is why I encourage people to slow down their respiratory rate and increase respiratory sinus arrhythmia, which is the synchronicity between breathing rate and heart rate. This restores the proper balance between carbon dioxide and oxygen, and with increased available oxygen, we can stimulate growth. In terms of cleansing the body through the gastrointestinal tract, we want to use the negatively charged foods to pull the positively charged toxins out and return to homeostasis. By using fruits, greens, and herbs to youth and clean your body, you will start to see how little Western medicine actually helps the body in the long run. Eating low vibrational food leads to inflammation, which leads to emotional and physical stress. A chronic state of sickness and stress being the number one accelerator of aging. An unclean body will reflect a dull mind, aggressive behavior, and vulgar expressions of the self, which mirror the body’s toxic environment, thus accelerating aging. When eliminating toxins and cleaning up your lifestyle there can be cleansing reactions, which can range from mood swings to stints on the toilet but it’s normal and necessary. 

To restore your energy follow these simple rules:

  1. Nutrition and hydration - Eating your water by consuming copious amounts of fruits and greens. Chemical-free water.

  2. Eliminating toxins and poisons - Meat, dairy, wheat, unnatural sugars, processed oils.

  3. Support your body’s detoxification system - Breath-holding exercises, lymphatic dry brushing, and frequent saunas/sweating/exercise.

  4. Mental pathway - Meditation, whatever form it comes in, plays an important role in keeping you present, calm, and provides stress relief. For me, it's daily breathwork.

  5. Movement is life - If you’re not moving, you’re dying. 

You are a self-repairing, self-regenerating organic system. How amazing is it that Earth provides naturally what we need to youth. Eat to live, don't live to eat. We are not only what we eat but how we breathe.

In Love, Unity, and Health


Connecting To Your Subconscious Through The Breath