
Available for virtual sessions and at clients’ homes, parks, private studios, recreation centers, corporate offices, and health clubs in the New York City region. 



The moment-to-moment essence of life that is often overlooked, carefully orchestrated by the rhythmic flow between the inner and outer environments. The importance of learning and empowering oneself to control the autonomic nervous system through the simple concept that “Breathing Light is Breathing Right”.



Your gut and the food you consume is the key to both cause and prevention of disease. A high vibrational diet purifies the body of acids forming in the enteric nervous system where 95% of your serotonin is made. The innate intelligence of the body becomes one’s own personal teacher, tapping into your true higher self.


Look to the Lymph: it's about time you get a clear look at the actual cause of the problems you are experiencing. Most of us are unaware of the potential illnesses that manifest from under-performing kidneys and adrenal glands. Pulling out metabolic waste will create space for the nerves and muscles to thrive as designed.



Blood flow and circulation play a critical role in our general health. This is an FDA registered consumer medical device that is easy to use, noninvasive, and can improve micro-circulatory blood flow by up to 30%, allowing for better disbursement of oxygen and nutrients while eliminating waste from your cells.  

Personal Training

An all-encompassing experience that emphasizes dynamic fascial movements, enhancing flexibility and allowing you to progress safely by releasing inhibitions in connective tissues. This is a series of original stretches and exercises, knowledge that you can use for a lifetime, helping you to perform better in every aspect of your life.



The subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can be used to balance and greatly enhance our lives. Allowing kinesiology to unite activity in the brain hemispheres, it affects change on the innermost profound level. It will retrain the subconscious to deeply integrate positive beliefs into our lives to awaken to our full potential.