Earth’s #1 Superfood

Many times in our lives, we look in the mirror and want to change ourselves. We want to renew, to reinvent, to improve ourselves. The answer could be in a new product, a new job, a new place to live, a new way of life. How can we make ourselves healthier, stronger, younger, “better”? We put so much time and effort trying to look and feel our best, we forget our bodies are already doing this naturally. Our cells are constantly regenerating themselves and all we have to do is nourish it with the right foods and stop blocking its way! I want to talk about what I believe is the most important food in the world, one that helps us do it all from the inside out: marine phytoplankton. 

I was once the guy who consumed 13 different pills three times a day and added 15 different ingredients to my smoothies. That is until I came to the understanding of how nutrients are broken down and absorbed. Most people believe that piling nutrients is the best way to get all the goodness inside our bodies. We never stop to ask, how do those nutrients get broken down inside the body? Does it become acidic or alkaline? Does it mix well with other foods? I learned that you cannot isolate only the “good” parts of a food, which is what a lot of supplements advertise to do. This kind of isolated chemistry is unable to be fully absorbed in the body. You do not want to consume a vitamin outside of food, processed in pill form. To get those vitamins and nutrients, it is best to eat a food that is composed of it and cultivates it, preferably in a plant or fruit. 

My shift began a little over four years ago when I began taking marine phytoplankton (I get mine here). This is a “superfood” that gives you all the basal metabolic components for the body. It is a micro-algae, rich in trace minerals, chlorophyll, essential amino acids, carotenoids, antioxidants, DHA, EPA, nucleic acids, and all the necessary vitamins. In its original form in the ocean, it purifies its environment while creating over 80% of the world’s oxygen! When Earth was formed 4.5 billion years ago, the only organisms living in the oceans were bacteria and single-celled organisms called blue/green algae. This algae was detoxifying the oceans for everything else to live and still does to this day. They have the remarkable ability to capture their own waste and toxins, break it down, and use the appropriate materials to build themselves back up. This is the original “cycle of life”. 

Being a heavy meat and dairy eater for most of my life, I have evolved over the years from becoming vegetarian, then vegan, and today I am a raw food fruitarian. This means I subsist on a diet of 95% fruits, berries, and melons, which I believe has transformed my state of consciousness and increased my frequency to levels that I have never experienced. I like to call it “youthing”, and it has done exactly that for me. As much as I would like to grow and harvest my fresh fruits, I live in the Northeast and I cannot always get a variety of fresh organic produce. Eating Marine phytoplankton supplies me with the perfect nutrition to stay clean, “youth”, and train daily. It provides me with the nutrition to adequately recover from lactic acid production that is produced during my workouts. For me to make the perfect protein, I need all the essential amino acids and when my body makes the perfect protein, it expresses the DNA in the most positive way. Marine phytoplankton is also an adaptogen, said to help the body’s resilience in dealing with serious health conditions, enhancing elimination through its incredible power of detoxification, and have anti-aging properties. When people are in shock of my age and friends I haven’t seen in years ask how I take care of myself, I simply bring up my “youthing”.

You are born with a set amount of stem cells that have the amazing capacity to replace and replicate themselves. The key component that is missing in most of our lives is the removal of obstructions from the interstitial spaces. We have over 100 trillion cells in our bodies that work every day to keep us alive. A lot of those cells that waste and die are shifted towards the lymphatic system, sent to the kidneys and skin to be eliminated. The problem here is that when we do not properly make way to clean out the waste, it becomes abundant and the kidneys become overwhelmed. The stem cells are now living in a sea of their waste and that is how rapid aging occurs. With our eating and drinking habits, we tend to produce more waste than it can remove. Our bodies are not able to remove the obstructions fast enough for the stem cells to work their innate power of creating new cells. Marine phytoplankton helps detoxify our blood so we can clean ourselves from the inside out.

To sum it up, we are not just eating food, we are receiving information from that food. Marine phytoplankton provides the body with the perfect signals to reverse cellular damage, regenerate tissue, and assist in the proliferation of new cells. We have the ability to “upgrade” our cells and replace the old with a new healthier version of itself. I am happy to see that the consciousness of the planet is slowly but surely shifting away from unhealthy foods and humanity is propelling towards true health which is true wealth. Naturally, we will all go back to where we came from, but let’s make it longer, happier, healthier. When you change your biology, your perception changes and life shows you how beautiful you truly are inside and outside! 


Connecting To Your Subconscious Through The Breath

