The Fruitarian Lifestyle

Human beings are made for times like this. The innate intelligence of our bodies is incredibly smart and knows exactly what to do. Not only to adapt but to thrive when life throws us a curveball. Our bodies know precisely what to do if given the right signals. Food is a signal. As Hippocrates, the father of medicine, once said, “Let thy food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food”.

I have been on the fruitarian journey for about 14 months. I have already been a vegan for four years but after switching to eating mainly fruits last year, I am here to tell you the benefits are substantial. I’m sleeping really well and my breathing is calm, gentle, and quiet. My body heat has decreased and my digestion has greatly improved. My body is constantly cleansing itself, my mind is clear, and I feel great every day.

Contrary to the popular belief that you need tons of protein, the composition of a human mother’s milk is as follows: Water 88.1%,  Lactose 7.0%, Fat 3.8%, Protein 0.9%. I want to focus on Lactose. The key role of glucose in the body is to provide fuel for energy, and the brain depends completely on this to operate. Brain functions such as thinking, learning, and memory are closely tied to glucose levels and how effectively the brain utilizes it. So, what’s the best food for the human? Fruits, berries, and melons!

Humans have been purposely and willfully misled from the truth of our species. Man is frugivorian by nature and is designed to eat a specific diet of 95% fruits, berries, and melons. We are not herbivores. We don’t have the stomach for it. Occasionally we should eat vegetables but we’re specifically designed to thrive on a fruit diet. Thus, we are Frugivores. Why is it then that there are so many vegetarians and so little fruitarians? Fruits are vital in helping the body eliminate candida because they are high in antioxidants and have astringent properties. These properties clean the lymphatic congestion out of the tissues, which is essential because congestion is the “home” for these little critters. I also want to emphasize that fruits are not to be eaten in conjunction with other foods because they will turn acidic.

Do not be afraid of fruit sugar! Fruit sugar is our friend and our cells require it to do work. If anyone says don’t eat fruit sugar because it will spike your insulin, they are misinformed. If that were true, I and many others should be crashing from low blood sugar spells (hypoglycemia). Instead, the opposite happens because fruit is hydrophilic, a giver of energy (despite the occasional detoxification symptoms). Insulin is a hormone that drives sugar into our cells. Fruits do not require insulin since fructose enters our cells by way of simple diffusion. Fructose is rapidly absorbed but is very slowly converted into glucose by the liver. As a result, the simple sugar fructose will enter the bloodstream as glucose at a much slower rate than glucose coming from complex carbohydrates/sugars. Fruit gives us a rapid burst of energy when we need it but also a sustained release as well. Fruit requires very little energy to be digested. Therefore, the extra energy can be best suited for the body’s more pressing needs.

I am calling for a return back to the days of the Garden of Eden and for people to eat the light more often. Food that grows above ground not below. When we eat a high electrical and hydrophilic diet, we begin our awakening. Fruits are packaged sunlight in the form of ‘living’ water. It is the fountain of youth and the key to unlocking the door to your health. 


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